Integrative HI

Integrative HI


Medical Center

About Us

Welcome! Integrative Health Institutes is dedicated to providing individualized wellness programs so you can meet your health goals. Our Mission is to support sustainable health in a safe, caring and effective manner. Our Naturopathic Doctor looks forward to meeting you and individualizing your care.
Dr. Tamara D. Trebilcock, ND is the Medical Director of Integrative Health Institutes (IHI), a leading Institute of Integrative Medicine formerly located in Santa Monica and now relocated to Claremont, CA. She received her doctorate from Bastyr University, the nation's leader in scientific-based, natural medical schools, and is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) in the state of CA.

Dr. Trebilcock specializes in treating digestive concerns (bloating, constipation diarrhea, IBS) , low energy, hormonal imbalances, thyroid imbalances, PMS, acne, pregnancy preparation, infertility, anxiety and depression. Her thriving practice is dedicated to working with couples and individuals who struggle with long term health concerns.
She serves as a frequent consultant and lecturer providing expertise in the field of Integrative Medicine. Her practice has been highlighted on a PBS mini-series. She participated on an Advisory Council for the creation of integrative clinics across the country in a internationally recognized natural food store. She has taught and supervised doctoral level students core curriculum.


Dr Tamara D Trebilcock, ND
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